Men’s Results (25 Advance)

  1. Zachary Ornelas (GL) 24:26 Winner of a $100 Tracksmith Gift Card

  2. Joe Niemiec (SS) 24:38

  3. Breydon Gates (GL) 24:55

  4. Tom Ohlman (GL) 25:05

  5. Eli Kaczinski (SS) 25:25

  6. Austin Hendrix (GL) 25:32

  7. Steven Haagsma (GL) 25:34

  8. Jared Bell (SS) 25:39

  9. Michael Ellenberger (GL) 26:00

  10. Jeremy Ruston (GL) (M) 26:04

  11. Mitchell Black (GL) 26:19

  12. Matthew Blunden (SS) (M) 26:22

  13. Seth Hall (SS) 26:23

  14. Erik Reitenger (GL) 26:24

  15. Jeff Purdom (GL) 26:25

  16. Joshua Dwight (SS) 26:36

  17. Travis Chewning-Kulick (SS) 26:38

  18. Steven Cornelius (SS) (M) 26:49

  19. Justin Watson (SS) 26:50

  20. Tyler Brinks (GL) 26:56

  21. Isaiah Bragg (SS) 26:59

  22. Derek Knabe (GL) 27:08

  23. Joseph Wagner (GL) 27:19

  24. Brandon Demers (SS) 27:23

  25. Scott Anderson (M) (SS) 27:25


  26. Matt Beck (GL) 27:34

  27. John Pace (SS) 27:40

  28. Kyle Fraser (GL) (M) 27:40

  29. Ludovic Guerdat (GL) 27:54

  30. Jim Iseman (SS) (M) 28:01

  31. Ethan Turner (SS) 28:14

  32. Dwain McDuffie (M) 28:29

  33. Josh Ruston (M) 29:28

  34. Joe Hoover (GL) (M) 30:29

  35. Chase Boshoven (GL) 31:18

Arturs Bareikis

Adam Ditri

Jack Litowitz

Alex Wagner

John Black

Riley Coulter

Josef DiPietrantonio

Evan Koerschner

Corbin Harris

Nathan Hall

Michael Anderson

Matthew Billings

Ryan Stafford

Luke Willert

Tim Richard

Joey Hartlage

Thomas Ross

Women’s Results (25 Advance)

  1. Cassandra Vince (GL) 27:49 Winner of $100 Tracksmith Gift Card

  2. Whitney Macon (SS) 27:59

  3. Laura Paulsen (SS) 28:40

  4. Margo Richardson (SS) 29:01

  5. Marybeth Chelanga (SS) 29:17

  6. Crystal Harris (GL) (M) 29:19

  7. Sarah Danner (GL) 29:20

  8. Erica Shell (GL) 29:49

  9. Kerry Allen (SS) 29:55

  10. Ann Mazur (SS) 29:58

  11. Amy Natilini (SS) 30:06

  12. Hannah Weiss (GL) 30:24

  13. Chantalle Blundell (SS) 30:34

  14. Haley Ritsema (GL) 30:38

  15. Kelcy Rodgers (SS) 30:43

  16. Amanda Macuiba (GL) 30:57

  17. Jacy Arbeit (SS) 30:58

  18. Emma Allison (SS) 31:05

  19. Caroline Horton (SS) 31:05

  20. Meg Ruwe (SS) 31:14

  21. Minnie Horvath (GL) 31:15

  22. Khia Kurtenbach (GL) 32:00

  23. Megan Gohres (SS) 32:57

  24. Ashley Raymond (GL) 32:58

  25. Jane Bareikis (GL) 33:00

  26. Carissa Jordan (SS) 36:10


  27. Emma McEvoy (SS) 36:12

  28. Julie Grevengoed (GL) (M) 36:57

  29. Chelsea Stanford (SS) 37:00

  30. Melissa Sweeney (SS) 37:30

  31. Madeline Hanley (SS) 38:45

  32. Oksana Moscoso (SS)

  33. Kimberly Tackson (SS) 40:13

  34. Jess Zarchaski (GL) 43:51

Mackenzie Andrews

Sarah Bishop

Lindsay Harman

Gina McNamara

Kristy Hall

Gwyn Reece

Molly Sarchet

Emma Chun


Eastern Regional Final


New England v. Big City